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Root Canal Treatment

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Root canal therapy is a way to save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of pulling it out. Cleaning the canals inside the tooth's root is what gives the phrase "root canal" its meaning. Years ago, root canal procedures were frequently uncomfortable. Most patients experience little to no discomfort during a root canal because to advancements in dentistry and local anaesthetics. In actuality, having a decaying tooth is probably more uncomfortable. The injured tooth can be removed, there is no need for further treatment, or a dental implant, bridge, or removable partial denture can be used to replace the missing tooth.

About Treatment

Procedure of Root Canal Treatment?

A regular dentist or an endodontist often performs a root canal. The procedure typically requires one or two visits, but occasionally more are needed since some teeth are challenging to treat. To determine the degree of the damage, you must have dental X-rays taken. During the procedure, a local anaesthetic is also administered to you to lessen pain. The tooth is then covered with a dental dam, which is made to resemble rubber, to keep it safe, clean, and saliva-free. In order to access the pulp chamber, decay is removed, and the tooth's crown is cut apart. The damaged or infected pulp is removed using tiny dental tools. After the diseased pulp is removed, the pulp chamber and root canals are flushed and cleaned. The root canals may be reshaped and enlarged to allow better access for filling. Before permanently filling the root canals, they are cleaned of all infection and dried. Medication is sometimes put into the pulp chamber and root canals to clear any infection. If infection has spread beyond the tooth, you may need a prescription for antibiotics. After root canal therapy, a temporary filling is placed in the crown to protect the tooth and keep out debris and saliva. Avoid biting or chewing on the tooth until it's been permanently treated and restored. The root canal filling After washing and drying, it's time to fill the inside of the tooth the empty pulp chamber and root canals. This phase might not require any extra anaesthesia. The temporary filling, if any, will be taken out to give access to the inside of the tooth. To ensure that the root canals are shielded from saliva, the tooth is first filled with a sealer paste and rubber compound. Final stage of a root canal The final stage of the root canal is restoring your tooth. Because the tooth typically has a large filling or is weakened from extensive decay, it needs to be protected from future damage and returned to normal function. This is usually done by placing a crown a realistic-looking artificial tooth over your tooth. A crown is typically made of gold, porcelain or porcelain fused to metal, but other materials may be used. Crowns made of porcelain or porcelain fused to metal can be tinted to match the color of your other teeth. Sometimes, a metal post must first be inserted in the tooth for structural support and to keep the crown in place if there is significant tooth structure missing. Ask your dentist or endodontist about other restoration options.

Is Crown a must after Root Canal Treatment

Following a root canal, your tooth should be functionally and aesthetically repaired with a new crown. After a root canal treatment, the structural integrity of your tooth has been weakened. This is why its necessary, especially for your back teeth, to have a dental crown placed on the treated tooth. Your repaired tooth could last a lifetime if you practise appropriate dental and oral care. The tooth may be sensitive in the first couple of days following your root canal. Painkillers that are not prescribed may be helpful. Consult your dentist or endodontist if discomfort or pressure persists for more than a few days.

Preperation for Root Canal Treatment

Your healthcare professional can address any concerns you have regarding the process before starting your root canal. You may do the following things to be ready for your root canal procedure: Take any prescription medications as directed: If there is a lot of infection present, you can be prescribed antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs a few days before to your consultation. Avoid smoking because tobacco products hinder your body's capacity to repair itself. A few days before to your root canal appointment, try to cut out smoking completely if you can. Eat a nutritious meal before your visit because the local anaesthetic used for root canal therapy will cause your mouth to be numb for a few hours.

Before After

What to avoid eating and drinking following a root canal

Eat on the opposite side of the treatment, that is, the side that is not numb. This is to prevent a bite or burn to yourself. Eat only soft foods that dont require a lot of chewing. Eat slowly. Avoid very hot food and drinks, such as hot soup, or hot tea or coffee. Following a root canal procedure, you shouldn't eat the following items. foods that are crunchy, like carrots, corn on the cob, or apples, since they may harm the tooth or create unnecessary discomfort. Gum, most breads, and chewy candies like taffy might take out the temporary filling. Avoid eating crunchy items like ice or nuts since they may chip teeth, create additional discomfort, or harm the surgery site. Avoid alcohol since it could make bleeding worse. Eat nothing that is very spicy because it can make you more sensitive. Avoid spicy meals as well because it could make you feel sensitive or uncomfortable.

Instructions to follow after Root Canal Treatment

DIRECTIONS FOR AFTER-CARE AND POST-OPERATIVE CARE Instructions Following Surgery for Root Canal Therapy The completion of a root canal procedure often requires 1-2 visits. Your lips, teeth, and tongue may be numbed for a few hours following each consultation thanks to local anaesthetic injections. Till the numbness has entirely worn off, refrain from chewing on the treated tooth's side. In order to safeguard your treated tooth in between sessions, a temporary filling is applied. It's typical for a little chunk of your temporary filling to disappear or come loose. Please call our office if the entire filling comes out so that it may be replaced. To safeguard the tooth and support the maintenance of your temporary: Avoid hot, sticky foods, hard foods and hard substances, such as ice, fingernails and pencils Just use the other side of your mouth to chew. After a root canal therapy visit, it's common to feel some discomfort for a few days, especially when chewing. This ought to subside in a few days (or even weeks). Even if you weren't in pain before the procedure, it's typical for you to feel some discomfort for a few days following the procedure. In the event that you suffer any of the following signs, call your dentist right away: severe discomfort that last for more than a few days Visible swelling inside or outside your mouth a drug response triggered by an allergy (rash, hives or itching, nausea) Your bite seems unbalanced. if temporary filling fully disappears

How long does root canal healing take? Typically, root canal recovery time lasts less than a week. A few days of minor pain is possible, although this may be treated with medicine. Call your healthcare physician if you have extreme pain or discomfort for more than a week. After a root canal, may I eat? Yes. It's advisable to hold off until the numbness subsides, though. The anesthesia's effects often last a few hours. For the first several days, stick to softer meals like spaghetti, mashed potatoes, and yoghurt. As your comfort level rises, gradually introduce solid foods. Additionally, you should avoid biting or chewing with the treated tooth. Until your final dental replacement is in place, try to chew with the opposite side of your mouth. Do you need a root canal to drive? It varies. If you underwent a procedure while under local anaesthetic or nitrous gas, you are able to drive yourself to and from the appointment. Oral or IV sedation patients will require a friend or relative to transport them home. Does smoking resume after a root canal? It is not advised. Smoking impedes the healing process and raises the possibility that you'll require further dental work in the future. When may I return to my job, my studies, or other activities? People who have had root canal treatment can typically return to work or school the following day. However, you could need an extra day or two to recuperate completely if you underwent sedation during your dental surgery. What aftercare advice do you have for root canals? It's critical to keep the region clean after root canal therapy. Use an antimicrobial mouthwash and regular brushing and flossing to keep germs at bay. You should refrain from biting on the treated tooth until the permanent crown is in place if you still have a temporary filling in place. How long do a root canal's effects last? Results aren't guaranteed with dental operations, as they never are. But when root canal therapy is done properly, the effects might continue for a very long period, possibly your whole life.

Frequently Asked Questions about Root Canal Treatment

Important things to note

Any Age

Any Age

Commonly for tooth decay

Commonly for tooth decay

Very Common Treatment

Very Common Treatment

Multiple visits may be required

Multiple visits may be required

Not covered by any insurance in India

Not covered by any insurance in India

Lab tests or imaging may be required

Lab tests or imaging may be required

No Special precautions before the treatment

No Special precautions before the treatment

Special precautions after the treatment

Special precautions after the treatment

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Root Canal Treatment