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Prevents Teeth Grinding

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Night Guard

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A nightguard is a piece of hard or soft plastic that resembles a retainer. It may be worn on either the bottom or top row of teeth and covers the biting surfaces. Since each patient's teeth are unique, a nightguard is manufactured specifically for them by shaping it to suit your teeth without running the danger of being uncomfortable or overly thick. Since it goes under several names, it is the same thing when dentists discuss a mouthguard, occlusal guard, bite splint, dental guard, or nocturnal bite plate.

Can I buy any dental nightguard?

Hard Nightguards These are composed of acrylic and are used to treat TMJ disorders as well as severe cases of teeth clenching and grinding. The lower jaw positions itself in a healthy focal position when the muscles relax, changing the bite. Your muscles and mouth will relax when the guard's bite is adjusted. Hard nightguards are the most robust since they are constructed of a sturdy substance. Additional categories for Dental Nightguards include: Over-the-counter One-size-fits-all generic nightguards are available over-the-counter; they are pre-molded to fit any mouth. Additionally, there are boil-and-bite nightguards available, which must be softened in hot water for a better fit. Unfortunately, because they weren't designed precisely for your teeth's structure, prolonged usage of these devices causes your bite to move. Custom-made Due to the fact that they are created using an imprint of your teeth, they provide a customised solution. Since a dentist creates a nightguard just for you, they are more comfortable since they employ expert materials and procedures. These may survive for several years with the right upkeep and modifications.

About Treatment

Why should I go for a Dental Nightguard?

Protect teeth from harm Because teeth grinding occurs when you are not in control of yourself, the more it occurs, the more enamel is lost from your teeth. Oversensitivity is a result of enamel deterioration. Your mouth can thus find it difficult to tolerate hot or cold meals and beverages. Your teeth become more prone to decay if you don't have enamel to protect them. You run the risk of getting infections if the decay spreads into the teeth's tough enamel. Another consequence of teeth grinding is the fracture of a weak tooth and wear on any fillings. The extra pressure from clenching and grinding is not able to be sustained by the surface of the teeth, which can withstand the pressure from chewing and biting. The effect is that the tooth splits or fractures. In addition to experiencing the intense agony that comes with a fractured tooth, you will need to visit the dentist for treatment. The dentist may be able to repair a cavity in certain cases, but you could end up requiring more expensive procedures like crowns, root canals, or tooth removal. Bridges and implants can be used to replace missing teeth. minimises the risk of temporomandibular joint disorder The jaw and skull are joined by the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which has an impact on the chewing muscles. In your sleep, when you clench your teeth, you put pressure on your TMJ, which can lead to misalignment. Having a misaligned TMJ results in dysfunction. The condition results in migraines, ear discomfort, and even difficulties chewing. Additionally, you run the risk of irreparably harming the articular disc, which might result in disc displacement. This may cause your jaw to abruptly lock open or shut, necessitating a trip to the emergency room. Because a nightguard relieves any strain you could put on the muscles, it stops the disease from developing. Avoid Constant Headaches Since migraines are a symptom of TMJ dysfunction, chronic neck pain and headaches are frequently the first signs of potential bruxism. Headaches are brought on by strained muscles in the neck, shoulders, mouth, and jaw. You may verify that the headaches are truly being brought on by teeth grinding and clenching before you jump to the conclusion that you have bruxism. One technique is to examine the surface of the teeth; if they have become flattened rather than sharp, you probably grind your teeth as you sleep. Another method is to check for bone and gum recession, which might result from clenching. Because you can stop tensing your muscles, a custom-made nightguard prevents headaches.

how do dental night guard work

By reducing the impact of teeth clenching while sleeping, a dental night guard shields teeth from harm. This cushion barrier aids in preventing two of the more frequent issues brought on by teeth clenching: chipped teeth and worn-down teeth. Many persons who clench their teeth will have varying degrees of jaw discomfort since the act of clenching one's teeth at night puts a lot of stress on the jaw. They may eventually get chronic headaches and even migraines as a result of their jaw discomfort, which will make it challenging for them to carry out their daily activities. Wearing a night guard will help those who clench their teeth at night fall asleep more soundly because many clenchers wake up when they are doing it. This is due to the fact that night guards, which are designed to keep a person's muscles relaxed while they sleep, bear the bulk of the power of clenching.

Before After

How to clean & maintain my nightguard

Using your night guard properly can help prevent unnecessary exposure of your mouth to possibly hazardous microorganisms. Adopt the following behaviours to that end: Each time you use your night guard, rinse it. Any debris that could have gotten onto the night guard while you slept will be loosened by doing this. After washing, use a toothbrush to gently brush the night guard. To eliminate any lingering plaque or debris, there is no need to use toothpaste; all that is required are the bristles (and some toothpastes may be too abrasive for the night guard). Before putting your night guard back in its case, let it dry fully. Set the night guard in a spotless place after washing and brushing it until it is completely dry. You should only then keep it in its case. An unclean night guard should not be kept in the case since it will encourage bacterial development. Keep the night guard's case tidy at all times. If your night guard is kept in a filthy case, it won't be much use to you. This makes handwashing the case a few times a week crucial.

Frequently Asked Questions about Night Guard

Important things to note

Any age, Common Ages below 14 years

Any age, Common Ages below 14 years

Multiple visits may be required

Multiple visits may be required

Not covered by any insurance in India

Not covered by any insurance in India

Lab tests or imaging may be required

Lab tests or imaging may be required

No special precautions before the treatment

No special precautions before the treatment

Special precautions after the treatment

Special precautions after the treatment

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Night Guard